parol making session
parol making session
parol making session


Illustrator + Procreate


Social Media


1080 x 1080px

KUBO LB Parol Making Sessions

DEC 2024


parol lantern design on a crewneck
parol lantern design on a crewneck
parol lantern design on a crewneck
parol fest map, sponsors, and more info
parol fest map, sponsors, and more info
parol fest map, sponsors, and more info
the history of the parol lantern
the history of the parol lantern
the history of the parol lantern
svpas tote bag design
svpas tote bag design
svpas tote bag design
parol lantern totebag sighting in a store
parol lantern totebag sighting in a store
parol lantern totebag sighting in a store
saam event dates listed
saam event dates listed
saam event dates listed